Member-only story
This Is How I Convert Readers To Customers All These Years, And It’s Very Simple
Like it or not, there’s a need for a funnel to be involved—it’s the only way.
I love to write. As a matter of fact, I prefer writing more than talking. You know, lately, I’ve been producing more than 4 new articles per week. Not bad isn’t it? I think this passion of mine came about back in 2013. It has then been deeply ingrained into my DNA without any sign of stopping. I did experience a little burnout a couple of times after that, but again that didn’t completely stop me from writing. I just had a little pause, thank God.
Opinion about something trending, is how I pick my topics. Of course, these topics must be within my niches — marketing strategy and business. I think I am qualified to share my thoughts about these as I have more than 26 years of experience, certifications and knowledge.
Writing is great but this somehow exposes my weakness when it comes to producing other content types. I’m talking about podcasts and videos. Honestly, I tried but failed miserably. The end results suck big time. While other creators are pretty much into podcasting and video producing to generate leads, I am probably going to stick to articles for now.